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Mix DBls Results

Mixed Doubles           Singles & Doubles  Team Event     Service Fee
$30.00 per Couple $47.00$28.00  $4.00 per Bowler    

Total Cost  $ 84.00

                         Tournament Frees Break down:

Team Event  $13.75 Per Bowler Prize Fee
Singles  $9.25 Per Bowler Prize Fee
Doubles$9.25 Per Bowler Prize Fee
Bowling Fee    $6.25 Per Bowler Per Event
Tourney     $8.00 Per Bowler - Singles
Expense     $8.00 Per Bowler - Doubles
$8.00 Per Bowler Team Event   


Per Bowler for 3 Events
$5.00Per Bowler - Optional - 6 Game Combine - Singles & Doubles
Scores Added Together, Prize Ratio at Least 1 in 20
$80.00Per Bowler, 3 events plus 6 games
Handicap 80 Percent - 220
Prize Fee Returned 100 Percent           

Send Payment to:

Postal Bowlers
Attn: Mr. Anthony ( Tony ) Bridges
533 Litchfield Way
Oswego, Illinois 60543-4203

Update!!!!!! Update!!!!!!! Update!!!!!!!! Update!!!!!!!!!! Update!!!!!!!!!!

You can make payments to any Chase Bank - ( Postal Bowlers Account ); by completing  a deposit slip ( Please enter your name in the field that said SIGN HERE ) and add account # 0782192520   ("Postal Federal Employee NBA Illinois Chapter" ). After you deposit your entry fee at Chase Bank, send me an e-mail to Standbyme@msn.com , call or text me at 1-630-688-6614 regarding your transaction.

No personal checks accepted after March 2013. 

Cash, Cashier Check and Money Orders accepted until May 2013.

All Checks returned will be subject to a $25.00 service charge.

Refund Policy
After entries have been received and the date assigned by the tournament manager, are not refused by the team, or individual entrant prior to preparation of the schedule, NO FEEs shall be returned (Rule #12)

All bowlers must check into the tournament office at least one hour before scheduled bowling time on Saturday. They must have their USBC cards with them. At the time of bowling if your average of 21 games or more is 15 pins or more higher than last year's average, the current average must be used.

All Postal-Federal members of each team must be prepared to show I.D. as Postal-Federal Employees. All Non-Postal-Federal bowlers must have identification and or five year membership card with them.

All average submitted on your entry blanks must be in accordance with the tournament rules. It is the bowlers responsibility to ensure that their average is accurate. Please re-check your average at check-in.

New Rules
Special Mixed Doubles times have been established for the Chicago weekend Friday June 08, 2012.   A 3:00 PM time was approved to allow all of our bowlers to bowl in the mixed doubles.

Rule A#4
Each team may have four (4) bowlers who are no Postal-Federal Employees if one (1) or more are five (5) year Non-Federal bowlers as stated in ruleA2.    

Example: 1 postal - 2 non postal & 2 five yr.

          ( 15 Pins Over Last Year's Average Rule Now In Effect )
