Certification No. 652377
League President | Anthony L. Bridges | 630-688-6614 voice or text | League Vice President | Larry Watkins | 708-299-9470 | League Secretary | Shandra Wright | 708-426-8610 voice or text | League Treasurer | Charlene Benson | 773-575-1211 voice or text | Sgt at Arms | Helen Brown | 708-785-6824 | Sgt at Arms | Sandy Mcintosh | 708-344-8254 |
The League bowls ever Monday for 35 weeks, commencing on the first Monday following Labor Day weekend, until April 29, 2013.
Pay out May 6, 2013.
Upcoming Events
League Banquet Monday, May 06, 2013 6:00 p.m. until Lower Level
Hillside Bowl Lanes 4545 W. Harrison Avenue Hillside, Illinois 60162 708-449-5350
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